So, you've been playing around with AI-generated content, right? Pretty cool stuff! But you know what? Sometimes it can sound a bit, well, robotic. Don't worry, though – we've got your back!
Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can create content, but it doesn’t always sound natural.
There are instances where AI content appears very formulaic and impersonal. Very robotic and unlikable in the absence of appropriate guidance. People often struggle to understand the relationships between sentences when they are really long and contain difficult vocabulary.
Google is against the use of automation for generating low-quality or unoriginal content. The updated policy will prioritize combating the abusive behavior of generating excessive content to manipulate search rankings, without distinction between automation, humans, or a combination of both are involved.
Imagine you're chatting with a friend, and they're telling you a story. It's engaging, it's relatable, and it feels totally human. Now, what if we could make your AI-generated content feel just like that? Sounds awesome, doesn't it?
Here we're going to discuss on how to add some human touch into your AI content. So, grab a cupp, sit back, and let's chat about the techniques you can use to make AI generated AI content sound as human as a heart-to-heart with your bestie. Ready? Let's dive in!
Tips to make your AI-generated content sound more human
Here are four tips to make your AI-generated content sound more human:
- Mix it up:
- Personalize your prompt
- Include real-life examples
- Add variety to the sentence structure